Epidemic risk projections powered by geo-intelligence


Risk Projections & Datasets

Up-to-date infectious disease risk projections, impact indicators, and input datasets based on peer-reviewed methods validated by top expert research partners.

Integrated Decision Platform

Integrate your own data, launch scenario simulations, and modify our algorithms via a secure cloud-based computing platform designed specifically to minimize the need for technical expertise to handle large geospatial datasets.
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Custom solutions and collaborative tool development for your specific needs.


At EpiWise our mission is to unite cutting-edge geospatial big data technology and expert domain research to provide commercial access to spatio-temporal risk projections of public health threats for operational use across industries. Focusing initially on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases highly impacted by global change, we leverage data from satellite assets (remote sensing and geo-location) to track environmental and behavioral changes that affect emergence and transmission. We partner with top researchers from around the world to translate their knowledge of disease systems into useful tools for decision makers. Our ultimate goal is to aid in the prevention and containment of disease outbreaks, improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities around the world.



We've officially joined Prezode
08 December 2023
Geomatys and the EpiWise team have finally become official members of Prezode. Excited to be a part of...
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EpiWise continues to evolve
05 March 2023
Geomatys’ innovation project continues to evolve! Our team of infectious disease experts, geospatial...
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Geomatys is ASPIRING with ESA
05 September 2022
Geomatys has been named lauréat of an ASPIRE with ESA business development grant to help put together...
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Our partners :

EpiWise is dedicated to equitable and inclusive partnerships that widen the impact of all contributions. More than just a vehicle for increasing access to partner data, models or services, we act as ambassadors to promote the importance of the science and policy work on which the information relies.



Vincent Heurteaux, Co-Founder, CEO of Geomatys

Dr. Jessie Abbate, Co-Founder, Infectious Disease Research Scientist and Business Developer

Developers & Geointelligence

Mr. Séverin Paques, Product Manager

EpiWise is powered by the full expertise of Geomatys - from geospatial data infrastructures to behavioral analysis of moving features. 




Geomatys Head Office

24 rue Pierre Renaudel

13200, Arles


Geomatys Montpellier Office

(Epiwise team location)

Bâtiment Agropolis International

1000 Avenue Agropolis

34394 Montpellier Cedex 5


Tel : +33 (0)4 84 49 02 26


For more information about Geomatys, visit www.geomatys.com